How to solve the black screen with the cursor when you upgrade to Windows 10

Updates to Windows 10 are already happening and while this process for each has been like eating and singing, for others it has become a real torture. We've talked here about two methods to force updates of Windows 10: A through Windows Update and another using the tool Microsoft Media Creator Tools. But for many here not just the problems it is that after upgrading your computer, your computer may only display a black screen with only the mouse.

Does this solution ? The answer is a resounding yes. This is basically due to the impossibility to submit your new computer with Windows 10 newly updated to load the shell system which causes that only a black screen with your mouse cursor is displayed along with a message in the upper left corner which it says that the personalized services do not respond desktop.

However as mentioned, this failure is common and nothing to be alarmed because its solution is relatively simple and usually works for all operating systems. Also during the repair process you will not lose any data, files, data or programs you have installed or stored on your computer.

If you want to know how to fix the problem of black screen with the mouse cursor after upgrading to Windows 10, pay attention to then do we show cone:

First of all you will access the Windows Task Manager, which can make using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + DEL and selecting of the options shown on the screen option Task Manager.

This will cause a window automatically cone show all proceedings at that moment in your computer. However we will have to select the tool bar "File" then select the option to drop-down menu: Run new task.

This will open a new window appears where you have to write the "cmd" command that will give us the access to the tool symbols system. Remember to check the "create this task with Administrator privileges." And to enhance the performance of the task click on the OK button.

As already we mentioned, symbols automatically be displayed in system administrator mode. Now is the turn of the tool write the command: sfc / scannow and finally press the Enter key to execute the command.

This command runs a Windows tool that scans all your hard disks for errors. If nothing is found, the system will automatically try to solve the problems.

Once your computer has been scanned and repaired errors, go to the system registry editor because during the upgrade / installation is where the Windows key, which is responsible for desktop settings are stored. The screen in black color indicates that something has gone wrong and could not reach complete configuration, in this case, we delete a key, which is probably damaged and causes an error.

To access the registry editor, we will again have to access the Task Manager using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + DEL and selecting from the options displayed on the screen option Task Manager. Select the tool bar "File" then select the option to drop-down menu: Run new task. However in this case we write the command regedit and click OK in the window that has been opened for us.

When the Registry Editor is open to us, we will go to the next route by using the folder tree on the left side of the window:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ ActiveSetup \ Installed Components \

Displays the "Install Components" folder which exposes several folders with random names to be displayed in the tree on the left. Now you have to go by clicking on each of them to make its content on the right side of the Registry Editor window is displayed. When one of these folders show an element with the name "Windows Desktop Update" this is the one we're looking for.

Once found, we remove that element Registry Editor, for it will have to right click with the  mouse button on the Windows Desktop Update item from the dropdown menu and select Delete. After removal of the item or key, we restart our computer.

Before closing, we restart our operating system in Safe Mode, for this we will have to access the Task Manager using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + Shift + Del to then select the Task Manager option. Select the tool bar "File" then select the option to drop-down menu: Run new task. However in this case we write the command msconfig and click OK.

This will cause it to display a new window where you have to go to the Startup tab to subsequently make a "failsafe boot" option in the "Boot Options" section. Immediately afterwards you just have to click OK. Now we restart our computer using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ALT + DEL and select the restart of the displayed options.

When you restart your computer in Safe Mode and find yourself logged in, the desktop should be displayed with your taskbar and Start menu. Only now we will have to restart your operating system normally, for it will have to repeat the above process to clear the "failsafe boot" To do that we must again use the command msconfig and then in the new window uncheck "failsafe boot" and restart your computer again.

This time when you restart normally, you'll see all your desktop, files and programs are properly displayed.

New method to solve the black screen.

Often even making the previous tutorial, we do not solve the problem of the black screen, on other occasions, the problem is that we are not even able to access the Task Manager. Whatever your case then we show a second method that is sure to work.

First of all you will enter the safe mode of Windows. For this we must turn off your computer and during startup of the operating system must repeatedly press the F8 key (this key may vary depending on the manufacturer). This will give you access to the blue screen of Restoration, through which you can access the Windows Safe Mode. If you want to know more about starting Windows in Safe Mode you may want the following link: How to Start or start Windows 10 in Safe Mode

Once we access in Safe Mode if you see as the desktop of your computer with Windows 10. Now you'll appear to access the Device Manager which can make typing in the search field on the taskbar Windows 10.

Once you access the Device Manager you must go to the section that says Display Adapters. This will display an option that will generate what the name of your processor is Intel or AMD. Double click on the automatically to the properties of the adapter is opened.

Go to the Driver tab which reveals several options. What we have to do is click on the "Reversing the previous content". Wait until changes are made to restart your computer and try again to see if the black screen of Windows 10 has been fixed.

If not, re-do all this method but in this case you must click on the Update Driver. Then restarts your computer and you should have your computer with Windows 10 fully functional without black screen.


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