How to identify and troubleshoot Windows svchost.exe

You may eventually notice that your Windows computer performance decreases significantly as abruptly and unexpectedly. The reason for this drop in performance may be due to several factors, but in this tutorial we will tackle the problem with: svchost.exe. This is a system process that runs on your computer and can consume up all the capacity of your RAM or CPU which will cause a drastic drop in performance of your computer.
How to identify and troubleshoot Windows svchost.exe

However you should not be alarmed as this small problem can solve it quickly and easily, without having to be a computer expert. To do this first of all be properly identify whether the drop in performance of your computer should be fed back to the process system: svchost.exe.

Identify problem with svchost.exe in Windows:

To determine whether the performance degradation due to svchost.exe first thing we have to do is use the keyboard shortcut. Ctrl + Alt + Delete This will give us access to a number of options that we have to choose: Administrator Force.

This will cause the Task Manager window, which we click on the tab opens: Processes. This will display a list of all processes currently running on your computer. Plus you'll also see the amount of RAM and CPU that is consuming each of the processes. It will be on this list in which you have to find the process with name svchost.exe. Remember that this process may even show more than once.

svchost.exe and fix the performance drop caused in windows

If the list of processes finally find that svchost.exe is running and consuming too many resources, then continue reading to learn how to fix the problems:

Fix problem with svchost.exe in Windows:

Microsoft released a patch which allows the repair of this problem automatically. This software is called WindowsUpdateAgent30 and how could it be otherwise download and use is free. Here are 2 links from which you can download, 1 for Windows with 32-bit structure and 2 to the 64-bit version:

For Windows 32-bit structure: WindowsUpdateAgent30

For Windows 64-bit structure: WindowsUpdateAgent30

Once you find yourself downloaded file to install it, you must restart your Windows operating system in safe mode. If you do not know how to start safely to perhaps interest you: How to start Windows in Safe Mode Easily

Once you find yourself started your system in safe mode, you only have to click on the WindowsUpdateAgent30 previously downloaded software. When the software is running, you will see how the work performed automatically without user involvement. Once you have completed the process, you only have to restart your operating system to reboot once can see that everything is back to normal.

If this method has not worked for you, you'll get rid of svchost.exe problem with Windows Update. It may seem a bit stupid method, but very effective, as updating your operating system, you can solve the problem completely.

svchost.exe windows troubleshooting

To do this we must access the Control Panel and from here you will find Windows Update, in which you must click to access it. Once inside you'll see if any accounts with pending update that has not yet been installed. In addition you can also use the Check for Updates button. This will make your operating system perform a search on Microsoft servers if there is any update that has not yet been recognized by your operating system.

After upgrading your operating system, you'll see how the problem was solved and the performance of your computer will be the same as before the problem with svchost.exe.

No doubt this problem is more pronounced in the older Windows operating systems like XP Wndows or Widows 7, however also have been detected in some cases Windows 8 operating systems and even Windows 10.


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