Schedule the installation of updates on Windows 10

Much is talking about the obligation to install updates in the new operating system Windows 10. In fact, by default, the Windows 10 operating system will download and install automatically updates that Microsoft fence releasing to users. However, users have the option to prevent the automatic installation of updates and complete this process manually. In this case, the installation process will take place during the restart of your computer.

How to program Windows 10 updates

How to program Windows 10 updates

However Windows 10 offers a third possibility is programming as installing updates. Note that the update schedule can only be carried out in the time available updates that are already downloaded to your computer waiting for installation. It is in this case when in Windows Update scheduling options installation is displayed.

Basically this programming option which will allow us to provide a time and date you want our Windows 10 operating system with the installation of updates for which restarting your computer is required. We should mention that the programming of the installation of these updates may not be postponed for more than 7 days.

If you do not want to install pending updates that are downloaded to your Windows 10, when you restart your computer and on the contrary you want to schedule the installation of updates:

The first thing you have to do is go to the configuration application located in the Windows Start menu 10. Once the window is open Setup must access the Update option and Security.

In this new window you must select the Windows Update section in the list of options on the left side of the window. Here is a list of pending updates is displayed. In this list you can differentiate between two types of updates: Updates that have not yet been discharged (display a button with the option to download) or updates that have been downloaded and therefore are just waiting to be installed .

It is the second case in which the option to schedule the installation of updates is displayed. This option will be displayed just below the list of available updates. However in the case of updates that have not yet been downloaded, you can press the download button to download Elapsed said, the option to schedule the installation of updates are also present.

schedule the installation of available updates in Windows 10

In "is scheduled reboot" two options are displayed. The first one is the one that is marked by default, and displays a date and time that your computer will automatically reboot to install available updates. Usually the scheduled time is automatically one that is rarely used the computer. In this case 3:30 a.m..

By contrast, the second option that we make allow us to provide the date and time at which you want to reboot your computer to your Windows 10 operating system with the installation of available updates.

Alternatively, if the user does not want to wait to install updates, you can always opt for the manual installation and instant update. To do so in this window you can click on the Restart Now button. This will make your computer restarts and therefore automatically install pending updates. Also keep in mind that the installation of these updates may take a while between 10 to 20 minutes.


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